Another post about an AI tool
I'm loving AI. Not for greating huge apps, but those little time-saving tools. Here's an example....
A nice little bit of automation, part 1
Sometimes, it's good to do things manually, so you can learn the process. But once you've learned it and it's a stable process, automate it if you do it enough.
The Joy Of Frameworks, Part 2
Another day, another minor fix required. And again, the beauty of using a framework across multiple sites...
The Joy Of Frameworks
I've got a stack of ideas that I'd like to build out to actual apps, and have decided that if the app can't be built around one core component, then the idea gets put back into the pot for another time. Why?
My Favourite Asana Tool
I use Asana for keeping notes on all my hare-brained ideas. And this little utility is my favourite thing ever.
Building Utility Helpers
As a developer, it's great to build yourself little tools that make your life just a little bit easier. So today I wrote something to turn \ into /